Most graph theorists will agree that among the vast number of graphs that exist, there are only a few thousand that can be considered really interesting.
It is the aim of this House of Graphs project to find a workable definition of 'interesting' and provide a searchable database of graphs that conform to this definition. Note that the searchable database does not contain all graphs of a given order, but only the ones which are considered 'interesting' by at least one of the users. We also allow users to add additional graphs which they find interesting. In order to avoid abuse, only registered users can add new graphs.
We would also like to serve as a central repository for complete lists of graphs (which can be downloaded in several formats) of various graphs classes and the generators which can be used to generate these graphs. These lists of graphs and generators can be found in the graph meta-directory.
A video tutorial of the most important functionalities can be found here. The functionalities of the website are also described in this paper. For more information, see the Help page.
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